Alex Bogusky was on twitter

Steven | marketing, advertising & campaigns,twitter | Thursday, 05 March 2009

One of the great things about twitter is you can get really close to great people around the globe. If you’re lucky, you’ll even able to interact with them. One of these people definitely is Alex Bogusky. He’s chief creative officer at Crispin Porter + Bogusky, considered as one of the best creative agencies out there. You probably noticed his name in the company name, and that says it all I guess. He’s just one of the most famed advertising execs. Very clever and creative guy.

Alex Bogusky was on twitter. I only discovered him a few days ago, but today I saw his last tweet were he announced he would quit: “Signing off twitter. Just not for me. I really enjoyed the time and it was fun to follow and be followed by such a lively group. Love, Alex”. This is just bad news! How great is it to be able to peak in the brain of one of the most creative people in the world!

I hope he just didn’t discover the true beauty of twitter yet, and reconsider the service. It seems I’m not alone, lots of people on twitter hate to see him go!

Maybe if we all show we would love to see him stick, he might give it another go? Let’s just all start following him. Here’s his profile: Follower counter is about 1500 ATM, if we can increase this drastically, he hopefully see tons of people are truly interested in what he has to say.

I’m really not into glorification, and I’m not in this case as well. But having people on twitter who are on top of an industry is just inspiring. Other than that: what other way is there for us to tell them if he comes up with something sucky ;)

You’ll find a good interview with Bogusky at On Creativity.

Just remember Alex: we won’t stop until you’re back! :)

You can follow me on twitter at

Microsoft Advertising

Steven | marketing, advertising & campaigns | Thursday, 05 March 2009

Just say this nice video at cross the breeze.

<br/><a href="" target="_new" title="Microsoft Advertising Intro">Video: Microsoft Advertising Intro</a>

The convergence happening in media nowadays is thrilling!