Need a new challenge

Steven | marketing, advertising & campaigns,Random Thoughts | Monday, 24 March 2008

I sometimes have the feeling I’m not challenged enough. I wanna create things, think things trough, write them down.
Time obviously is a factor, but it’s an excuse as well. You’ll have to make time right, simply have to, or vanish in live :)
Twittering again is as much as a solution as it is a problem: sure it’s easier and less time consuming, sure you build your network .. but twitter mainly is effective and not really challenging you to really thing.

Last year I found a challenge in the new marketing FAQ, and I truly loved doing this.

But good news (at least for me) since I forced myself into something new! I’m co-author of the second age of conversation, the group writing experiment that kicked of big last year. In short: a group of bloggers wrote a book together, and they’re going to do it again. This year I’m taking part.


I’m no spammer – and yet ..

Steven | Random Thoughts | Monday, 24 March 2008

For some reason this domain – – is used from time to time to send massive loads of spam. My domain is managed by Google, so I use the gmail interface to read my mail. I’m not using it very often, but from time to time, obviously, I do need it.

Today I logged on , and indeed shit happened again. It’s al bounces and out of offices and failure notices and .. It really sucks going trough this all, because you can’t simply select all and hit delete. You might miss your true mails. So go trough screen by screen, select the messages on the screen and deselect the ones you do need. This sucks :(
As for today, there are about 5000 mails in my inbox I’ll have to go trough. Luckily the majority is filtered out by the spam filer: about 150k mails!! Moving to Google domains does pay of here.

Anybody knows any remedy to this? I just don’t get why spammers keep using my domain. I must be able to do someting about this, right?
