New Marketing FAQ: 8 interesting questions

Steven | marketing, advertising & campaigns | Saturday, 19 May 2007 - 20:52

As I finished the 8 new marketing questions, it’s time for a round-up.

Philippe Deltenre, Media Strategist at Microsoft Belgium, created a list of 8 questions traditional advertisers tent to ask while entering the new media space. I decided to answer these questions myself, and just finished the last question today. Kudos to Philippe and Kris Hoet (Philippe’s colleague at Microsoft) who managed to get a global audience with these questions.

You can find Philippe’s round-up at his blog.

This was the list of questions, each linking to my answer.

1- How far should I go in the dialogue with the users? Can I accept controversy on my website? What moderation level is acceptable?
2- Is online advertising making sense without a decent website?
3- Are there examples of 2.0 initiatives made by traditional brands that went totally out of hand?
4- How can impressions be compared to television GRPs?
5- How intrusive should I be? (expandable formats, videos with sound on by default)
6- What does interaction rate (only available for rich media formats) tell me about the impact of my campaign?
7- Does the long tail change anything to the way I should communicate with my target group?
8- Why on earth do people use sites like second life?

It was a really interested experience. I loved thinking about it, and writing about it. Now, let’s go for the next challenge :-)


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