
Steven | Random Thoughts | Sunday, 08 July 2007

A few weeks a go I attended a graduation jury for MCT. We had to evaluate the internships of a few students. Our own intern was doing very well, but I was truly astonished by an other team of 3 students.

These students decided they wanted to make a movie instead of doing an internship. During the year they prepared as much as they could, and during the 3 months foreseen for the internship they actually shot and created their flick: Dossier-C.
Man this was good! The movie was great cut, the actors were convincing, the special effects were ok and so was the story. I’m telling you: it really could compete with the fiction we see on Belgian television nowadays. It’s even better in a lot of cases!

I really love these guys. They had the guts to say “fuck you” to the internship and instead decided to do their own thing. I love the school for supporting them and letting this happen. In a lot of schools this would be a no go I’m sure.
And best of all, they showed effective. They did it. They convinced the police to cooperate, a group of amateur actors, a director of photography to let them use his camera and give them advice. Total budget: about ยค 1000 (mostly going to pizzas and booze). Amazing. The Kevin Smith way!

Last thing to do: use right-free music and make a final cut. If this happens I’m sure they’ll distribute the movie on the website. Hope they’ll subtitle it in English.

If I was in movies I’d hire them instantly, no questions asked.
Good luck Wouter Samaey, Pieter Taelman and Lode Moutton!

Design = Marketing

Steven | marketing, advertising & campaigns | Sunday, 08 July 2007

The way things look are so important. Design is an indisputable part of marketing.

Example: last weekend our washing machine broke down and we decided to buy a new one. In a segment were differences between different products are getting marginal (or of marginal importance) design becomes a key decision feature. And so it did in our case.

I’m not saying its absolute, and in fact I quite don’t care how our machine looks. But you have to decide. In my believe there are margins you decide on rationally: what’s about the amount of money you want to spend, what are the specs (in washing machine language: volume, rotation speed, functionalities ..), maybe some brands, .. . With this information you look at the goods to narrow your selection down. But the way things look is the final decision criteria. It makes you pick product X out of the selection that was left.