Internet fenomenen

Steven | Random Thoughts | Friday, 25 August 2006

Bij het researchen voor de vorige post kwam ik op de Wikipedia pagina van Internet phenomenon. Hier staan ze quasi allemaal!
Wikipedia is dus een excellente bron om oude pareltjes terug op te sporen.

Fighting for Net Neutrality and Internet Freedom

Steven | Random Thoughts | Friday, 25 August 2006

(Written for the These Days blog)

As Peter mentioned before: some crazy people are trying to limit the internet, by controlling the bandwidth, off course to make big money out of it. I’m not going to repeat the whole reasoning, but you can read Peter’s excellent post here, or read about it @

I was really trilled to discover this “We are the web” website half an hour ago. This basically is an action site, striving for the same (just) cause. But what’s really great about this site, is that it’s supported by some of the most remarkable internet celebrities. And I’m not talking about mister Tim-Berners Lee or whoever. I’m talking about Leslie Hall, Tron Guy, Peter Pan, Subservient Chicken, the dancing baby ..
These are the real internet celebs. They know viral. They roll big.

Check out the video below, and find out all about them on their nice little website.

(Source: AdRants)