Excel Rocks!

Steven | marketing, advertising & campaigns | Tuesday, 28 October 2008

imageI just got my hands on one of the most original virals I saw the last couple of years.

It’s an excel file with a AC/DC song and video, in ASCII (!), embedded. You can download it here and pass it trough to your friends, because that’s what you are supposed to do with a viral, right?

Why is it so good? Well check it out and see for yourself. It’s something new and unseen, and you want to share it instantly. At least that’s what I want.

So why is it a viral. To start, there’s a new album, and that’s exactly what’s promoted here. You are invited to watch the video at www.acdcrocks.com – AC/DC’s official site indeed. Then there are links to the tracks, 45 seconds (with a measurement counter). Add to that the direct links to amazon and play, and we have the whole package (measured as well).

If you look at the props of the excel file, you see it’s created by "Phil Clandillon" who seems to be the Digital Creative Manager at Sony BMG. The new album is released by Colombia Records, a Sony company indeed.
All tracking is done via the www.beingangus.com domain, a AC/DC fan site and registered by Sony BMG again.

Anyway, enough with the investigation. Enjoy the viral. Very good work Phil, keep it up!

Update: see the official page for this action: acdcrocks.com/excel