Tweet for charity

Steven | marketing, advertising & campaigns,twitter | Wednesday, 19 December 2007

In Christmas time, charity kicks in.
In Belgium, one of the major Radio Stations, Studio Brussel, organizes an event, second year in a row, where they lock 3 presenters in a glass house without food (only protein drinks). The event is called "Music for Life", a nice theme on their normal slogan "life is music".
This year the project is about drinking water and profit goes to the red cross.

The fun thing about M4L is all kind of actions arise from the listeners, really the community :)
You’re supposed to buy records and that way they collect money.
But other ways of contributing are possible as well.

Like Bart, pretty famous in the blogosphere here. He decided to auction his 3000th tweet, aka twitter message. He asked me if I could contact our customers, but it seemed something I wanted for ourselves, These Days. And so Erwin (our boss) started bidding, and he won. He bought this message for € 400.


It means as much as: "This is the most expensive tweet ever. We don’t have any money left to pay you loads, but can offer you nice colleagues, great projects and lot of drinking water:".

Talking about win-win: we gave to charity, got a platform where we could promote our jobs at the same time and Bart saw his twitter followers grow from 250 to 273!
Nice action, nice coop.